Concurrent Manager FAQs

on Tuesday 8 May 2012

Concurrent Manager FAQs

Which Concurrent Managers (CCMs) are supported by the Sysadmin team?

    Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM)
    Standard Manager
    Conflict Resolution Manager  (CRM)

The setup of product-specific managers related issues should

be directed to the associated product group, i.e. the Inventory manager

Q: Where do the concurrent request output and log files reside?

A: $APPLCSF/out or $Product_Top/out for output files

$APPLCSF/log or $Product_Top/log for log files

Q: Where are temporary files located?

A: Temporary files reside in:


$REPORTS25_TMP (Release 11.0)

$REPORTS60_TMP (Release 11.5)

Q: How to change PMON  method to LOCK.

To check the process monitor (PMON) method status:

Connect as database user “APPS”.

SELECT profile_option_value

FROM fnd_profile_option_values

WHERE level_id = 10001

AND level_value = 0

AND application_id = 0

AND profile_option_id =

(SELECT profile_option_id

FROM fnd_profile_options

WHERE profile_option_name = ‘CONC_PMON_METHOD’);

This should return one row with a value of ‘LOCK’

If the value is ‘RDBMS’ or ‘OS’ run the following script:

$FND_TOP/sql/AFIMPMON.SQL – this will set the PMON method to LOCK instead of RDBMS.

Bounce the database. If running on NT, restart the NT Server completely.

Within 11.5 Applications, the only PMON method is LOCK.

Q: How to start and shutdown the CCM on Unix as APPS

A:  To Start:

STARTMGR sysmgr=APPS/passwd

To Shutdown:

concsub apps/<APPS password> sysadmin ‘System Administrator’ SYSADMIN CONCURRENT FND ABORT

11.5 => 11.5.4 apps/passwd start/stop prod

11.5.5 => start/stop apps/passwd prod

Q: How to terminate a concurrent request that cannot be cancelled?

A: Identify the request number to terminate. Shut down the concurrent managers and issue the following sql command as applsys:

update fnd_concurrent_requests

set status_code = ‘E’, phase_code = ‘C’

where Request_id = <reqnum>; (reqnum = request number)

Q: A Manager is not activating.

A: Check the count in sys.dual, system.dual, & apps.fnd_dual. There should only be one (1) row for each. If the count is greater, change to one only. This can be done from sqlplus as  follows:

As user apps:

select *

from SYS.DUAL;

Any extra rows should be deleted.

delete rownum

from SYS.DUAL;

(rownum = the row number to delete)

Any extra rows for apps.fnd_dual must be removed by performing the following SQL command:

delete from fnd_dual

where rownum < (select max(rownum) from fnd_dual);

Bounce the Concurrent Managers.

Q: Internal Concurrent Manager.

A: If the ICM should go down, requests will continue to run normally, except for ‘queue control’ requests.

If the ICM should go down, you can restart it with ‘startmgr’. There is no need to shut down the other managers first.

Q: How to purge requests that are in Pending status.

A: The Purge Concurrent Requests program will only purge requests that are in Completed status. Set the status of the Pending requests  to Completed

before purging them. The Internal Manager Must be DOWN!

Using sqlplus as APPLSYS perform the following:

UPDATE fnd_concurrent_requests

SET phase_code = ‘C’

WHERE phase_code = ‘P’.


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